COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
5-42 March 1999 3610-A2-GB41-60
Table 5-12
Directory Entry and Password Characters
0—9 Dialing digit (These are the only
characters accepted by the
Switched 56 DBM.)
* Tone-dialing character *
# Tone-dialing character #
t Tone dial
p Pulse dial
w Wait for dial tone
Delimiter, separating telephone
number and callback directory
pointer (for use with callback
, (comma) In a dial string: Two-second
pause; at the beginning of a
password: suppress display of
all following characters
(invisible mode).
( ) (space) Space (readability character)
_ (underscore) Required character for
end-of-string marker
(Erase end-of-line)
The colon (:) character should not be entered
from the NMS.
Not supported by Switched 56 DBMs.
Space is not used for directory entries.
The local telephone number (Phone) feature is used to
store the local DBM’s telephone number. The DSU does
not use this number in any of its operations; rather, the
entry provides a convenient way to track the telephone
number for future reference. The local telephone number
is available in the Local branch only if a DBM (or
DBM-V, DBM-S, or DBM-D) is installed. It is always
available in the Remote branch, even though the remotely
addressed DSU may not currently have a DBM installed;
this allows the addition of a DBM to the DSU at a remote
A local telephone number can contain any of the
characters listed in Table 5-12. Remember that the
telephone number cannot contain any separating
characters or spaces, although other valid characters can
be interspersed: *, #, t, p, w, and comma ( , ). The Undo
selection restores the number as it was originally
displayed. After entering the number, save the local
telephone number. (The Save selection would not be
available if the DSU-DBM was operating in Remote
mode, or if the DCP was locked.)
Do not use
until after you
have displayed and, if
necessary, edited the local
telephone number.
Refer to COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service
Units, Models 3610 and 3611, Dial Backup Module and
SNA Diagnostic Interface Options, Applications Guide to
learn how to access this subbranch, and for an example of
how to enter or change the this telephone number.
Async Terminal
The Async Terminal (Term) feature allows you to
manage the DSU through menus displayed using a
VT100-compatible asynchronous terminal. This feature is
available only for a Model 3610 standalone DSU with
firmware version (DSU SW ver) 6.3x or greater.
This feature is enabled or disabled from this subbranch.
Once enabled, the async terminal operates exactly as the
DCP, but without the limitation of the 2-line, 16-character
LCD. An entire menu (or submenu), test result, or range
of configuration option selections appears on a single
For additional information and examples, refer to the
COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units,
Models 3610 and 3611, Operator’s Guide.