COMSPHERE DualFlow Data Service Units
C-10 December 1996 3615-A2-GB20-20
Error Messages
able C-8
describes the command error messages;
able C-9 describes the dial backup error messages.
Table C-8
Command Error Messages
Message Condition Action
Conflict w/Envir Command conflicts with a test in
progress, or the configuration is
inappropriate for this command, etc.
1. Check for a test in progress.
2. Either wait for the test to finish or abort
the test.
3. If there is no test in progress, check
configuration options.
Not in Menu Command is not in the supported set. Use a valid command.
No Response Invalid remote address or remote device
is not powered, connected to network, or
Check remote address.
Command Failed Command could not execute and none of
the error messages above apply.
If problem cannot be corrected, call your
service representative.
Inval Selection:
No Valid Choices
Invalid menu selection based upon
previous selections that caused a menu
to display with no selectable options.
Press any key to return to the top-level