COMSPHERE 3800 Series Modems
14-4 September 1998 3810-A2-GB30-30
Table 14-1
(2 of 12)
3800 Series AT Commands
Front Panel
Dn (cont’d) W or + – Wait for dial tone. Modem waits for a second dial tone before
processing the dial string. This can be the initial dial tone or a second
tone received when dialing through a tandem PBX (for example,
9+555-6789), or when invoking special features (for example,
70#W555-6789, where 70# disables Call Waiting).
R – Reverse Dial mode. Causes the originating modem to send out an
answertone once it no longer detects ringback. (Ringback is the ring you
hear at the originating site when making a call.) The R parameter must be
the last character in the dial string. For correct operation, at least one
ringback must be detected; therefore, the remote modem should be
configured to answer on the second ring or subsequent rings.
@ – Quiet answer. Wait for five seconds of silence after dialing the number. If
the silence is not detected, the modem sends either a NO ANSWER result
to the DTE.
! – Hook flash. This causes the modem to go on-hook for 0.5 seconds then
return to off-hook.
; – Return to Command mode. Modem returns to Command mode after
dialing a number without disconnecting the call. This is useful when the
number exceeds 40 characters, or when the wait time between parts of a
dial string is unknown.
Space, – , and ( ) . These characters are ignored by the dial string and can be
included in the dial string to enhance readability.
DS=n Dial Stored Number
Dials the number stored in Location n (1–10). (To store a telephone number,
refer to the &Zn=x command.)
Call Setup\Dial\Dial
En Command Character Echo
E0 Disables echo to the DTE.
E1 Enables echo to the DTE.
Hn Hook Switch Control
H0 Modem goes on-hook.
H1 Modem goes off-hook.
H0: Call Setup\
Disconnect or
Control\Remove Make
H1: Control\Make Busy