COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
3-62 November 1996 3910-A2-GN32-30
Number Status
Nxt 01:Allowed
Select Nxt to display other directory locations.
The status of a directory location can be:
No Number The directory location is empty.
Allowed The number in this directory location may be dialed at this time.
Delayed The number in this directory location may be dialed later.
Forbidden The number in this directory location may not be dialed.
Forbidden only appear in certain countries.
When a number is delayed, press the
key to display the value of the delay in minutes.
The delayed and forbidden conditions can be cleared by power cycling the modem. This is actually
the only way to reenable a forbidden number. Deleting a number from a directory location and
reentering it into another directory location will not change the delayed or forbidden condition of
this number.
Talk/Data Branch
alk/Data function is not available in TMp Control mode.
The Talk/Data branch of the Top-Level menu allows you to switch the modem between Talk mode
and Data mode when manually dialing using either the DCP or an externally attached telephone.
To add an external telephone to your modem, use an external “Y” cable to connect the phone line
to both the modem and the telephone (refer to Appendix C). This cable is not supplied with your
On initial power-up, the modem is in Talk mode. When in T
alk mode, the modem is disconnected
and you are free to use the telephone. When in Data mode, the modem is connected and data can
be transmitted or received. This function is not available for Model 3911 modems.
Status Configure PList Control Test SubHS Call_Setup Security Remote