COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
3-20 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
Table 3-6
(3 of 3)
Health and Status Messages
Type IndicatesMessage
Security Database Reset The security database has been reset (passwords erased).
Password Protect Security password protection is enabled.
Mode Change There has been a change in security mode. (Refer to Chapter 6,
Dial Access
Password Change A security password has been changed.
Database Change The security database containing passwords has been changed.
Ports 1
Rx Data Alarm The alarming DTE port’s RXD signal is in an alarm condition.
Ports 2
Ports 3
Tx Data Alarm The alarming DTE port’s TXD signal is in an alarm condition.
Ports 4
DTR Alarm The alarming DTE port’s DTR signal is in an alarm condition.
CTS Alarm The alarming DTE port’s CTS signal is in an alarm condition.
RTS Alarm The alarming DTE port’s RTS signal is in an alarm condition.
DSR Alarm The alarming DTE port’s DSR signal is in an alarm condition.
LSD Alarm The alarming DTE port’s LSD signal is in an alarm condition.
Auto Stream Dis The port is disabled due to an antistreaming condition. (Refer to the Streaming
DTE message in the Major Alarm section of this table.)
Disabled The modem’s alarming DTE port has been disabled.
o exit DeviceHS and remain in the Status Branch, press the key
. To exit and return to the
Top-Level menu, press the
VF enables you to display the condition of the leased or dial connection. VF also allows you to
clear the VF counters.
To access VF from the Status branch, make the following selection:
DeviceHS VF
Select VF. The selections Display or Clear appear on the LCD’s bottom line.