74 July 2004 6212-A2-GB20-20
ADSL Line Status Shows the current status of the ADSL line.
ADSL Mode Shows the ADSL standard that is currently configured.
Upstream Upstream data rate negotiated by DSL link (kbs).
Downstream Downstream data rate negotiated by DSL link (kbs).
Attenuation Current attenuation (dB).
SNR Margin Current SNR margin (dB).
HEC Number of ATM cells received with errors since start of link.
Firmware The version number of the firmware.
15 min ES counter Number of errored seconds for the current 15-minute period.
CRC errors Number of errors per second since training.
1 day ES counter Number of errored seconds for the current day.
6.2 System Statistics
To view the system statistics, click on the System Statistics button located near the bottom
of the menu bar. Statistics are recorded regarding Interfaces, TCP/IP, and DHCP-Lease.
6.2.1 Interface Statistics
To display the interface statistics, click on the Interface tab at the top of the System Statistics
screen. The Interface Statistics page displays statistics for all interfaces.