6381-A2-GB23-10 January 2005 v
About This Guide
Document Purpose and Intended Audience
This guide contains detailed information about the 6381-A3 router. It is intended
for all users of the router.
Document Summary
A master glossary of terms and acronyms used in Paradyne documents is
available online at www.paradyne.com. Select Support → Technical Manuals →
Technical Glossary.
Section Description
Chapter 1, Introduction Describes the features of the router.
Chapter 2, Hardware
Installation and PC Setup
Shows how to connect the router and set up your PC to
manage the router.
Chapter 3, Using the Web
Explains how to use the web interface to configure and
monitor the router.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting Contains tips on troubleshooting common problems.
Appendix A, Terminology Explains some major internetworking concepts.
Index Lists key terms, concepts, and sections in alphabetical