About This Guide
April 2001 8000-A2-GB26-50
It is highly recommended that you read the
Hotwire Management
Communications Controller (MCC) Card, IP Conservative, User’s Guide
before you begin to use this guide and the Hotwire software.
Document Summary
Section Description
Chapter 1,
Hotwire DSL System
Provides an overview of the Hotwire DSLAM and
GranDSLAM systems.
Chapter 2,
Hotwire Menus and
Describes the operation of Hotwire menus,
screens, and commonly used navigation keys.
Also provides instructions on how to log in and log
out of the system.
Chapter 3,
DSL Card Configuration
Describes procedures and contains tables for
configuring the DSL cards on the Hotwire system.
Chapter 4,
Monitoring the Hotwire
DSL System
Describes operator programs that monitor the
Hotwire system.
Chapter 5,
Diagnostics and
Describes common Hotwire operational problems
and solutions. Contains SYSLOG information.
Appendix A,
Download Code
Describes how to work with the Download Code
and Apply Download menus.
Appendix B,
Describes the traps that are generated by the
Hotwire system.
Defines acronyms and terms used in this
Lists key terms, acronyms, concepts, and
sections in alphabetical order.