1. About the Hotwire ATM Line Cards
8335-A2-GB20-70 February 2003 1-3
ATM Features
The cards’ ATM features include:
Classes of service. Supports traffic management service categories
necessary to support voice and data applications:
— UBR (only class of service supported for the Model 8355)
Auto configuration. Two Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs) per port are
automatically configured, providing data and voice services.
Multiple virtual circuits. Up to 250 additional VCCs can be configured by the
user and assigned among the DSL ports.
ATM statistics. Maintains statistics for:
— Total cells received
— Total cells transmitted
— Total cells dropped
— Loss of cell delineation events
— Cells with corrected Header Error Control (HEC; Model 8335 only)
— Cells with uncorrectable HEC
Endpoint Support Features
The cards’ endpoint support features include:
Third-party endpoint support. The Models 8335, 8365, and 8385 line cards
support third-party endpoints through the Hotwire Connected program,
including Integrated Access Devices (IADs) and data-only endpoints from
numerous industry-leading vendors. The Model 8385 card supports third-party
endpoints using the ITU SHDSL standard. A list of Paradyne’s SHDSL
partners is available on the World Wide Web at www.paradyne.com. Select
Partners Hotwire Connected Interoperability Program.
Model 6390 Modem support. The Model 8355 line card supports the Hotwire
Model 6390 Modem.
Automatic rate adaptation. The card and the endpoint negotiate the best
rate, limited if desired by the user, through automatic rate adaptation. For
2B1Q (Model 8335) the Conexant AutoBaud algorithm is used.