Monitoring the Hotwire DSL System
April 2000
Table 4-2. Physical Layer Options (3 of 5)
DSL Link Perf (DSL Link Performance Summary) B-B-D
Displays a summary of the link performance for each of the DSL ports. Tells you the
number of times the link has been down and the elapsed time the link has been up.
Enter port number to see the fields for current 15-minute period (real-time count of
events during the past 0 to 15 minutes), previous 15-minute period (data updated every
15 minutes), previous 1-hour period (data updated every hour), and current day
(automatically resets at midnight from the system clock, data is updated every hour).
Port # – Enter number of the port (1–4) you wish to monitor.
Operating Speeds – The upstream and downstream operating speeds in kbps.
dn margin – Measure of the noise margin on the specified port in the downstream
direction. A positive margin number reflects a lower error rate with a higher tolerance.
Margin is averaged over five measurements.
up margin – Measure of the noise margin on the specified port in the upstream
direction. A positive margin number reflects a lower error rate with a higher tolerance.
Margin is averaged over five measurements.
dn err rate – Block error rate in the upstream direction. Error rate = bad blocks/good
blocks and is expressed as A x 10
up err rate – Block error rate in the upstream direction. Error rate = bad blocks/good
blocks and is expressed as A x 10
dn att est – Measure of the estimate of loss on the DSL line in a downstream direction
based on transmitter power and receiver gain. The larger the attenuation, the more loss
on the loop (and generally, the larger the loop).
up att est – Measure of the estimate of loss on the DSL line in an upstream direction
based on transmitter power and receiver gain. The larger the attenuation, the more loss
on the loop (and generally, the larger the loop).
link dn count – Number of times the DSL link has gone down.
elp lnk up – Count of the elapsed time in seconds that the link has been up.
elp time – Count of the elapsed time in seconds since the DSL card was last reset.
pct link up – Percentage of time the DSL link has been up.