Configuration Options
8700-A2-GB20-00April 2000
Copy Ports Options
You can copy the configuration options of one DSX-1 interface and DSL loop to
another using the Copy Ports screen. For Copy Ports options, refer to Table A-6.
To access the Copy Ports screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu →Configuration →Load Configuration From →Copy Ports
Slot: 18 Model: 87xx
From: Port 1
To: Port 2
Perform Copy
Perform Copy Then Increment
ESC for previous menu MainMenuExit
Table A-6. Copy Ports Options
From: Port n
Possible Settings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Default Setting: 1
Controls the source of the configuration options.
1 to 8 – The configuration of the selected port is copied.
To: Port y
Possible Settings: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, All
Default Setting: 1
Controls the target of the configuration options.
1 to 8 – The configuration of the selected port is replaced. If Perform Copy Then
Increment is selected, the port number is incremented by 1 after the copy.
All – The configurations of all ports are replaced by the configuration of the selected
From: Port.
NOTE: Peer IP Address and Circuit Identifier are not copied.