Asynchronous Terminal Operation
3160-A2-GB21-80March 1999
User Interface: Auxiliary
Port Options
Front Panel Equivalent Value (Default in Bold)
Port Use Aux Use None, Mgmt, Daisy
Data Rate (Kbps) Aux Rate 9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 38.4
Alarm and Trap Options Front Panel Equivalent Value (Default in Bold)
ASCII Alarm Messages Alrm Msg Disable, Com Port
Alarm & Trap Dial-Out DialOut Enable, Disable
Trap Disconnect Trap Disc Enable, Disable
Call Retry Call Retry Enable,Disable
Dial Out Delay Time (Min) Dial Delay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Alternate Dial-Out Directory AltDialDir None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Excessive Error Rate
Err Rate
10E–4, 10E–5, 10E–6,
10E–7, 10E–8, 10E–9
System Alarm Relay Alrm Relay Enable,Disable
Management and
Communication Protocol
Front Panel Equivalent Value (Default in Bold)
Node IP Address IP Adr
Text Field
, Clear
Node Subnet Mask NetMask
Text Field
, Clear
Default Net Destination Def Netwk
None, Com, Aux, FDL,
Communication Port IP Adr Com IP Adr
Text Field
, Clear
Communication Port
Subnet Mask
Com NetMask
Text Field
, Clear
Com Link Protocol Com Link PPP, SLIP
Modem IP Address Modem IP Adr
Text Field
, Clear
Modem Subnet Mask Mdm NetMask
Text Field
, Clear
Modem Alt IP Adr Alt Mdm IP Adr
Text Field
, Clear
Modem Alt Subnet Mask Alt Mdm NetMask
Text Field
, Clear
Modem Link Protocol Modem Link PPP, SLIP
Auxiliary Port IP Address Aux IP Adr
Text Field
, Clear
Auxiliary Port Subnet Mask Aux NetMask
Text Field
, Clear
IPBusMast IPBusMast Enable, Disable