
F. SNMP MIB Objects
March 2001 3160-A2-GB24-10
Near End Group dsx1CircuitIdentifier Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 8)
This object is only supported on the Net T1 Interface.
Near End Group dsx1LoopbackConfig Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 9)
This object specifies the loopback state of the T1 interfaces. Only the following
values are supported by the DSU/CSU.
dsx1NoLoop(1) The T1 interface is not in a loopback state.
dsx1PayloadLoop(2) Specifies that a Payload Loopback (PLB) is active for
the network interface or a Repeater Loopback (RLB) is active for the DTE
Drop/Insert (DSX-1) interface.
dsx1LineLoop(3) Specifies that a Line Loopback (LLB) is active for the
network interface or a DTE Loopback (DLB) is active for the DTE Drop/Insert
(DSX-1) interface.
Near End Group dsx1LineStatus Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 10)
This object specifies the line (alarm) status of the T1 interfaces. Only the following
values are supported by the DSU/CSU. More than one value may be active at a
dsx1NoAlarm(1) No alarm present.
dsx1RcvFarEndLOF(2) A yellow alarm signal is being received.
dsx1RcvAIS(8) An Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is being received.
dsx1LossOfFrame(32) An Out Of Frame condition has persisted for more
that 2.5 seconds (i.e., Red Alarm).
dsx1LossOfSignal(64) A Loss of Signal condition has persisted for more that
2.5 seconds (i.e., Red Alarm).
dsx1LoopbackState(128) The near end of the T1 interface is in a loopback
dsx1Other Failure(4096) An Excessive Error Rate (EER) has been detected
on the network interface.
Near End Group dsx1SignalMode Object (dsx1ConfigEntry 11)
This object specifies whether Robbed Bit Signaling (RBS) is being used. This
object differs from the MIB definition in that it is read-only (not read/write) for
DSU/CSUs. Only the following values are supported by the DSU/CSU.
none(1) No signaling is being used on this interface.
robbedBit(2) Robbed Bit Signaling is being used on at least one DS0 on this
T1 interface.