5. Repair Procedures 1000-A2-GN22-00
5-12 February 2003
Planned Hot Swap To hot swap a line card, refer to JetVision User’s Guide and:
Step 1 Click the line card in the Tree or Shelf view.
Step 2 Place the selected line card in the Locked state.
Step 3 Select Configuration > Remove Resources. A prompt displays,
confirming you want to remove the resources.
Step 4 Click Yes. The card is removed from the Tree and Shelf views.
Step 5 Remove the line card first, then its transition card.
Step 6 Insert the new transition card, then the line card. Lock them in
place, using the card ejectors.
Step 7 Select File > Refresh CPX. The new card appears in the Tree and
Shelf views. The state of the card automatically changes to
“unlocked,” and all resources for that card are restored.
Unplanned Hot
An unplanned hot swap involves the removal and replacement of
a module without first locking the resource.
To perform an unplanned hot swap of a line card:
Step 1 Depress the ejector and wait until the blue hot swap light indicates
that the module can be removed by becoming lit.
Step 2 Remove the physical line card first, followed by its corresponding
transition card, from the CPX-1000 shelf.
Step 3 Insert the new physical transition card, followed by the line card,
and lock them in place, using the card ejectors.