7924-A2-GB20-30October 1997
Unframed Operation
Some units do not support unframed operation. To determine whether or not your
DSX-1-compatible unit supports unframed operation when connected to a
V.35-compatible unit, all three of the following conditions must be true:
1. The DSX-1-compatible unit must have a firmware revision number of seven
(07) or higher.
If you have a DSX-1-compatible
unit, display the HDSL FW
(firmware) revision number by selecting the Board Configuration option (3)
from the Main Menu (a system terminal is required).
If you have a DSX-1-compatible
unit, refer to the
Models 7924 and 7925 T1 and E1 HDSL Nest Card Termination Units User’s
2. The V.35-compatible unit must have an HDSL firmware revision number of
three (03) or higher.
To display the HDSL FW (firmware) revision number, select the Board
Configuration option (3) from the Main Menu (a system terminal is required).
3. The V.35-compatible unit must have a hardware revision number of five (05)
or higher.
To determine the hardware revision number, look at the label on the bottom of
the standalone unit that has the “CE” and “CSA” logos. The second row of
numbers on this label should be “900P005705” or higher. The last two digits
of this number (05) indicate the hardware revision number.
Time Slot (DS0) Assignments
When the V.35 payload rate is set for less than 1536 kbps, that payload rate
determines which T1 DS0s are used, as follows:
V.35 Payload Rate
DSX-1 T1 DS0s Used
1 (64 kbps) 1
2 (128 kbps) 1, 2
3 (192 kbps) 1 – 3
4 (256 kbps) 1 – 4
5 (384 kbps) 1 – 6
6 (512 kbps) 1 – 8
7 (768 kbps) 1 – 12
8 (1024 kbps) 1 – 16