Parker Hannifin
164 Aries User Guide
c. Send the TPE command and turn the motor shaft. Verify the
encoder is counting in the correct direction. Turning the shaft
clockwise results in positive encoder counts. If not, check the
encoder feedback wires and reset the drive.
Note: The CMDDIR is fixed for smart encoders. To invert the direction, use
IANI1; however, for the ACR9000 do not
use IANI1.
Hall Sensor Configuration/Troubleshooting
This section can help resolve a “Bad Hall State” error. Use the
Troubleshooting Checklist (below) to determine the cause of the error.
This section will assist you in resolving a Hall fault (ERROR bit E37-Bad
Hall State). Several problems can cause a Hall fault. The following list will
help identify these problems.
Troubleshooting Checklist
1. Does THALL report either 0 or 7?
If yes, see Problem 1 or 2, below.
2. Does THALL change if you move the motor by hand?
If no, see Problem 2, below.
3. Does THALL have six distinct Hall states from 1 to 6? (No numerical
order is necessary.)
If no, see Problem 2, below.
4. Does THALL report the six distinct Hall states n times as the rotor turns
one revolution, where n is equal to the number of pole-pairs (DPOLE)?
(Linear motors: n = pitch)
If no, see Problem 2 or 3, below.
5. Does THALL report the Hall state sequence [1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 3, 1...] as the
motor turns clockwise? (Clockwise means TPE is increasing when
CMDDIR set to zero (0); it is also the direction the motor turns in
If no, see Problem 4, below.
6. Does ERROR report a Hall fault each time the drive is enabled (DRIVE1),
even though the Hall state sequence is correct?
If yes, see Problem 4, below.
7. Does the Hall fault occur irregularly?
If yes, see Problem 5 or 6 below.
Possible Problems
1. No Hall states are seen by the drive.
2. The cable is not connected, or is connected incorrectly (mis-wired).
3. DPOLE or DMEPIT is not set correctly.
4. Either the motor wires or the Hall wires are connected incorrectly.
Use Procedure 1 to fix this problem by changing the motor wires.
Use Procedure 2 to fix this problem by changing the Hall wires.
5. The Hall wires or the encoder wires may have loose connections,
causing intermittent faults.