
control methods/types 36
open loop operation 39
sampling frequency 34, 41
see tuning
servo sampling update rate 3
setpoint 34
settling time 35
shielding 2
EMC guidelines 47
I/O cables 21
ship kit 2
shut down in case of emergency 39
shutdown output to drive 8
sinking input device, connecting to 18
sinking output device, connecting to
15, 17
software, update from BBS 28
sourcing input device, connecting to 18
sourcing output device, connecting to
15, 17
specifications, overall list of (see also
back cover)
stability 35
status commands
(see also back
cover, and test on page 22 & 23)
axis (see TASF command)
joystick analog input voltage (see
TANV command)
joystick digital inputs (see TINOF
command, bits 1-5)
limit switches (see TLIM command)
P-CUT input (see TINOF command,
bit 6)
programmable inputs (see TIN or
INFNC command)
programmable outputs (see TOUT or
OUTFNC command)
trigger inputs (see TIN command)
status LEDs 28
steady-state 35
position error 35
stiction, overcoming 39
support software available 25
system update rate 41
technical assistance
(see inside of
front cover, and HELP command)
temperature range 3
terminal emulation, set up 22
system installation 22
test panel (Motion Architect) 28
thumbwheel connections 19
transient 35
travel limits 12
trigger input (joystick), connections &
specs 14
trigger inputs
connections 15
testing 23
troubleshooting 28
common problems & solutions 29
diagnostic LEDs 28
serial communication 30
test panels, Motion Architect 28
TTL-compatible switching voltage
levels 3
tuning 33, 34
gains, definition 36
OEM6250 tuning procedure 41
PIV&F algorithm 36
process flow diagram 43
related 6000 series commands 36
scenario (case example) 44
setup procedure 39
velocity drive tuning procedure 40
under-damped servo response 35
unstable 35
velocity accuracy 3
velocity feedback control (SGV) 37
velocity feedforward control (SGVF) 38
velocity range 3
velocity repeatability 3
velocity select input, connections &
specs 14
VM50 adaptor 16
windup of the integral action 37
Z channel output 13