Nomenclature ....1
Specifications ....4
Lens Mounting.... 6
Battery ....7
Basic Operating Instructions ....8
Film Loading and Winding ....10
Film Reminder Dial ....11
Setting ASA Film Speed ....12
Compose and Focus ....13
Shutter 14
Camera Holding ....15
Film Unloading ....16
Self-timer ....17
Flash Synchronization ....18
Depth-of-field Preview Button and Guide ....20
Helpful Hints on Exposure Problems ....22
Manual Shutter Operation 23 Infra-red Photography ....24
Multiple Exposure ....25
Range of Light Measurement ....26
Open-aperture or Stop-down Metering ....27
Using Conventional Screw-mount Takumar Lenses ....28
Resistance to Temperature Extremes and Changes ....31
Camera Maintenance ....32
Warranty Policy ....34
SMC Pentax lenses and Pentax accessories are engineered and produced meticulously to precise Asahi Pentax
specifications. Lenses and accessories from other manufacturers are not produced to these precise specifications and,
therefore, may cause difficulties with -- or actual damage to -- a Pentax camera. Asahi Pentax cannot assume any
responsibility or liability for difficulties resulting from the use of any other brand of lenses or accessories with an
Asahi Pentax camera.