Set the cropping area and image output size on the Crop/
Resize panel.
Click [Reset] to return the set values to their initial settings.
Item Description
Cropping Aspect
Maintain original aspect ratio:
Maintains aspect ratio of original image.
Specify paper size:
Uses paper size setting.
Specify aspect ratio:
Specifies desired aspect ratio.
Do not specify aspect ratio:
Does not set condition for aspect ratio of
cropping area.
Cropping Area Center : Centers cropping area in middle of original image.
Top Left: Sets cropping area based on top left coordinates.
Bottom Right : Sets cropping area based on bottom right
Top left coordinates:
Sets top left coordinates of cropping area.
Cropping size: Sets size of cropping area.
Bottom right coordinates:
Sets bottom right coordinates of cropping
Original size : Displays number of pixels of original image.
Image Size Do not resize:
Select this to not change the image output size.
Specify image size:
Select this to specify the number of pixels (by width
and height) for the image output size. Enter the
number of horizontal and vertical pixels in [W] and
[H] for [Specify image size] on the right side.
Specify resolution:
Select this to specify the resolution (in dpi) for the
image output size. Enter the resolution (dpi) and
horizontal and vertical size (in mm or inches) in
[Specify resolution] on the right side of [Specify
image size]. When [Specify paper size] is specified
in [Cropping Aspect Ratio] for [Crop/Resize], select
the paper size specified as the output size.