Natural Skin Tone Mode .... 71
Night Scene Mode ............. 70
Night Scene Portrait
Mode ................................. 70
Nine-image display f ..... 102
NTSC ............................... 149
Number of pixels ............... 88
4/W button .. 45, 47
Operating the Menus ......... 49
Optional accessory .......... 183
PAL ................................. 149
Pan Focus 3 ................... 86
Panoramic Pictures ........... 81
Pet Mode ........................... 73
Photo processing lab ....... 135
Playback .................. 100, 101
Playback Mode .................. 36
Playback Mode
Palette ..................... 104, 180
Playing back movies ........ 101
Portrait Mode ..................... 71
Power Saving .................. 151
Power switch ......... 35, 44, 46
Press fully
(shutter release button) ..... 57
Press halfway
(shutter release button) ..... 57
Product Registration ........ 160
Program Mode ................... 64
Protect Z ...................... 116
Provided Software ........... 156
PTP ................................. 162
Rec.Mode Menu ........ 53, 178
Rec.Mode Palette .............. 59
Recorded Pixels ...........88, 94
Recording movies ..............93
Recovering images ..........115
Red-eye Compensation ...128
Red-eye reduction d .........84
Reset ...............................153
Resize ..............................122
Rotating ...........................108
Saving pictures by date ...148
Saving settings ..................97
Screen Effect ...................107
SD Memory Card ...............31
Select Time ......................146
Self-timer g .......................78
Sensitivity ...........................90
Sepia filter ........................125
Setting Menu ..............54, 179
Shooting information ..........19
Shooting Mode ...................59
Shutter release
button .....................44, 46, 57
Slideshow ........................106
Smile Capture ....................62
Sound settings .................141
Sound types .....................142
Specifications ...................184
Sport Mode ........................74
Standard = .....................86
Starburst filter ..................125
Strap ..................................26
Sunset Mode ......................70
Surf & Snow Mode .............74
System Requirements .....156
Tele ....................................67
Time imprint .......................92
TV ....................................119