Reproduced for Historical & Reference purposes by Paul M. Provencher -
35mm single-lens reflex with built-in light meter.
Film and Picture Size
35mm film (20 or 36 exposures). 24mm x 36mm
Standard Lenses
Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 50mm f/1.4 or 55mm
Super-Multi-Coated Takumar f/1.8 with fully automatic
diaphragm. Distance scale: 0.45m (1.5 feet) to infinity.
Filter size: 49mm. With depth-of-field scale. Equipped
with diaphragm preview lever which affords visual
check of depth of field. Distance Scale: 45cm (18") to
Focal plane shutter with single non-rotating dial (dial
rotates to select shutter speed but remains stationary
when exposure is made - this is a reference to earlier
cameras that had shutter speed dials that rotated when
the exposure was made). Speeds: B, 1-1/1000 sec.
Film speed (ASA) setting dial and window on shutter
speed dial. Built-in self-timer releases shutter in 5-13
seconds. Shutter curtains of special rubberized silk.
Warning Signal
The index of shutter speeds turns red when the
shutter and film speed settings are off the meter's
measurability range.
Pentaprism finder with microprism. Fresnel lens for
instant focusing; 0.88x magnification with 50mm lens,
and approximately life-size with 55mm lens.
Turn the distance scale ring until the subject image in
the viewfinder comes into sharp focus. Minimum focus
distance: 0.45m (1.5 feet) (With 50/55mm lenses)
Reflex Mirror
Instant Return Type with special shock absorbers for
minimum vibration.
Lens Mount
42mm threaded lens mount (Pentax-mount)