
Accessories for *ist, ZX-M and MZ-S
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Right-Angle Finder A (PEFRAA)
A 360° rotating angle viewfinder for easier
viewing on a reproduction stand or for shots
from a worm’s-eye view. It has built-in 2x
magnification, a vertically and laterally cor-
rect image and an adjustable diopter. ...369.95
Diopter Correction Lenses
Clip-on prescription eyepieces designed for
eye glass wearers.
-5 Diopter M
-4 Diopter M
-3 Diopter M
-2 Diopter M
-1 Diopter M
+1 Diopter M
+2 Diopter M
+3 Diopter M
FB 2X Magnifier
Recommended for critical focusing, this clip-
on hinged magnifier adds 2x magnification
to the central portion of the focusing screen.
It can be raised to view the entire focusing
screen, and has a built-in eyepiece correction
lens with an adjustable diopter range .....49.95
Microscope Adapter B
This adapter is designed to fit the camera
body directly onto a microscope. It can be
used with any microscope having a 25mm
outside diameter tube. When used on these
cameras, aperture-priority exposure is
retained .....................................................99.95
Helicoid Extension Tube B
The “Adjustable Extension Tube”, the internal
helicoid tube provides an infinitely stepless
adjustment range for 26.5mm to 46.5mm.
Manual diaphragm and stop-down metering
operations are required with all lenses.
Magnification range with a 50mm lens is
.50x-1.00x. May be combined with either
Auto or Manual Extension tubes for greater
Reverse Adapter
Permits 52mm lenses to be mounted on a
Pentax camera body or extension tubes in
reverse position for better image quality at
magnifications greater than 1.0 (1:1), and for
higher magnifications with less extension.
When used with a Pentax automatic exposure
camera, aperture priority automation is
retained within the measurable range.
Magnification of reversed 50mm lens is
approximately .60x...................................19.50
Macro Focus Rail III
Provides fast, accurate and
precise focusing for close-up
and extreme magnification
(5x or more), precisely
setting the position of
the lens, or extension
tube. It is also useful
for making close-ups
with a predetermined
magnification. Has a
tripod socket.........169.95
AA Battery Packs
AA Battery Pack FG for ZX-M (PEBPFG):
Powered by 4 AA batteries, Battery Pack FG
adds a vertical grip to the camera body. It
advances from 20-200 rolls of 24 exposure
film (depending on flash usage), and offers
increased balance and handling ..............19.95
BG-20 Battery Grip for *ist
(PEBG20): Battery
grip powered by four AA batteries. Usability
is enhanced with the shutter release and AE
lock buttons for vertical positioning of the
BG-10 Battery Grip for MZ-S
(PEBG10): Uses
four AA-sized batteries to power the MZ-S.
This dramatically increases the film count
before changing batteries, plus adds a vertical
release to the camera..............................144.95
Cable Switches
Cable Switch F
for ZM-M
This 3.5´ cable
release trips
the shutter
without transfer-
ring mechanical
movement to the
camera. Pressing the
cable release switch partway
will activate the camera’s metering and/or
autofocusing, and a locking switch is provided
for long time exposures ...........................28.95
CS-205 Cable Switch for *ist
1.7´ cable release that helps prevent camera
shake when shooting super telephoto shots,
macrophotography and bulb exposures.
Handy for taking pictures of subjects that are
difficult to approach, or to minimize vibra-
tion for close-ups and time exposure .....34.95
CS-105 Cable Switch for MZ-S
Same as above, for the MZ-S...................59.95
CS-130 Cable Switch for MZ-S
Same as above, but with a 10´ reach........69.95
Cable Release 30
(PECR30): 12˝ cable release
with a locking collar to allow time exposures.
Fits any camera that accepts standard
mechanical cable release ..........................17.95
Cable Release 50
(PECR50): Same as above
with a 20˝ reach........................................19.95
CF-10 (S) Case (PECSMZS): fits up to 28mm f/2.8,
43mm f/1.9 or 50mm lenses................................49.95
CF-10 (M) Case
(PECMMZS): (fits up to 100mm f/3.5
Macro, 135mm f/2.8 or 28-70mm f/4 lenses......54.95
CF-10 (L) Case (PECLMZS): Fits up to 100mm f/2.8
Macro, 28-105mm f/4 or 70-200mm f/4 lenses..59.95
for the MZ-S:
TS-110 Release Timer Switch (PETS110):
Acts as a standard cable switch and has a
built-in timer to perform interval shooting,
extended-time bulb exposures, and designated
time shooting. 3.3´ long...........................134.95
GG-60 Focusing Screen
Matte with Grid & Crosshairs...................34.95
BG-10 Battery
Grip for MZ-S