
United States Guarantee
Purchase date (copy of purchase may be required)
PC environment Processor:
286/386/486/Pentium Pro/Internal memory
Operating system (Windows, DOS, OS/2, MAC)
Fax/Modem/Internet program?
Other cards installed
Having the following information available will also help speed up the process:
Your proof of purchase indicating: date of purchase, dealer name, model and product serial number.
The full address to which the swap model should be delivered.
Just a phone call away
Philips’ customer help desks are located worldwide. You can contact Philips Monday - Friday from 08.00 -
20.00 hrs Central European Time (CET) and on Saturdays and Sundays from 10.00 to 18.00 hrs CET by
using one of the toll-free numbers. Click here to access the F1rst Choice Contact Information. Or you can
reach us via:
file:///D|/J/english/warranty/war_usa.htm (4 of 4) [8/28/03 4:32:45 PM]