Use this section to create your network schedule rules.
The times you set below are the times periods that you want the Access
Control Rule to be active. For example, if you want to block Internet access
(block WWW) from 9AM to 9PM during the week, simply configure
9:00 AM as “Start Time” and 9:00 PM as “End Time” for each weekday.
During that time period the user will be unable to access the internet.
Once the schedule rule is set up, you will need to configure or edit an
Access Control rule, and select the Schedule Rule that you want to apply to
that Access Control rule.You can set the schedule rule at the bottom of the
Access Control Configuration page in the “Scheduling Rule” drop-down
Intrusion Detection
Firewall Configuration
• SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) and Anti-DoS firewall protection –
The Wireless Base Station’s Intrusion Detection feature limits access for
incoming traffic at the Internet port.When the SPI feature is turned on,
all incoming packets will be blocked.
• Discard Ping from INTERNET – Prevents any response to
ping commands on the Wireless Base Station’s Internet port.
E-Mail Alert Configuration
• When hackers attempt to enter your network, we can alert you by
e-mail – Enter your E-mail address. Specify your SMTP and POP3
servers, user name, and password.