
54 Tools
Unit converter
This application allows you to convert many types of
units such as exchange rate, area, energy, mass, power,
pressure, temperature and volume.
You need to enter the conversion Type, Amount 1,
Amount 2, Unit 1 and Unit 2. Press
to switch
between the different input boxes.
This feature is very simliar to the alarm clock, except
that you will be alerted of the remaining time, and the
phone will emit an alarm at the end of the count-
down. The alarm tone is the same as your alarm clock.
The minimum time is 1 minute. The format of the
time is hh:mm:ss, and the maximum time input is 23
hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.
You can start the countdown by pressing
key or
Option to start or edit time timer. To stop countdown,
Pause, to reset, press
Option to continue
or reset. and you can exit the menu by pressing the
The count-down timer will switch on automatically
and emit an alarm at the end of the count-down even
if your phone is in idle mode.
This function provides a simple and quick method for
you to avoid nuisance calls and SMS. Blacklist
contains a list of phone numbers from which you do
not wish to receive calls or SMS.
Select Tools > Firewall > Enable and choose between
the following options:
• Incoming call
• SMS and incoming call
To add phone numbers into the black list, select Black
list, press
Add or OK on Add new, then you can carry
out the following operations:
Option Operation
New number
Open the phone number editor,
enter the new number and save the
number into the black list.
Open the phonebook list and select a
phone number for saving into the
black list.