DSATX Manual Copyright 2006 Mpegbox.com Page 11 of 13
5. Specifications
5.1. Electrical
Electrical Specifications:
Input Voltage (Operating) 6-24 Volts Non-Regulated
Input Voltage (Full Load) 8-16 Volts Non-Regulated
Input Current 20A (20A mini-blade fuse)
Output Power 220 Watts Max
No Load Operating Current < 70mA
Sleep Current (All Rails Off) < 4mA
Efficiency > 95%
Individual Supply Outputs
5.0 Volts +/- 2% 12 Amps Nominal, 13 Amps Peak
3.3 Volts +/- 2% 10 Amps Nominal, 11 Amps Peak
12.0 Volts +/- 2% 12 Amps Nominal, 15 Amps Peak
5.0 Volts Standby +/- 2% 1.5 Amps
-12.0 Volts +/- 10% 100 mA
Electraical I/O Specifications
ACC Input Threshold Low = < 4V, High = >7V (30V Max)
ACC Input Impedance 100k Ohms
MB Power Switch Output Drive Open Collector, 50mA Max
AUX Output Drive Open Collector, 50mA Max
User Switch Pull-Up Drive 10k Ohms to 5V
Serial Port Rx/Tx Low = < 0.7V, High = >2V (5V Max)
Supervisor Specifications (Basic Mode)
P1 - Countdown Timer Range 0-20 minutes (10 minutes default)
P2 - Low Voltage Cutout Range 10-12 volts (11 volts default)
Operating Temperature Range -40 to +90 degrees Celsius
Controlled Temperature Range -10 to +55 degrees Celsius
MB Turn On Delay 1 second
MB Power Switch Duration 1 second
Max Shutdown Timer Range 90 seconds
5.2. Mechanical
Board Dimmensions 4.15"L x 3.5"W x 1.0"H (106x99mm)
Mounting hole corridnates (in) (0.2, 0.2) (0.2, 3.3) (3.5, 3.3) (3.5, 0.2)
Mounting hole size (in) 0.125
Board Thickness (in) 0.062