3 Adjustthetelescopictubetothelengthyoundmostcomfortableduringvacuuming.(Fig.6)
Hold the collar with one hand and pull the tube part above the collar upwards or push it
downwards with the other hand.
Connecting the accessories
1 Toconnectthetubetooneoftheaccessories:(Fig.7)
- Telescopic tube with conical connection (specic types only): Insert the telescopic tube into the
accessory while turning it a little.
- Telescopic tube with button connection (specic types only): Press the spring-loaded lock
button on the telescopic tube and insert the tube into the accessory. Fit the spring-loaded lock
button into the opening in the accessory (‘click’).
2 To disconnect the telescopic tube from one of the accessories:
- Telescopic tube with conical connection (specic types only): Pull the telescopic tube out of the
accessory while turning it a little.
- Telescopic tube with button connection (specic types only): Press the spring-loaded lock
button and pull the tube out of the accessory.
Tip: The small nozzle, crevice tool and small brush (specic types only) can also be connected to the
handgrip of the hose.
1 Insert the crevice tool and the small nozzle into the clip.
2 Snaptheaccessoryclipontothetube(Fig.8).
3 Pull the accessory clip from the tube to remove it.
The Tri-Active nozzle is a multi-purpose nozzle for carpets and hard oors.
- The side brushes catch more dust and dirt at the sides of the nozzle and allow you to clean
better along furniture and other obstacles (Fig. 9).
- The opening at the front of the nozzle allows you to suck up larger particles (Fig. 10).
1 Usethehardoorsettingtocleanhardoors(forinstancetiled,parqueted,laminatedand
brush strip come out of the housing. At the same time, the wheel is lifted to prevent
2 Use the carpet setting to clean carpets: push the rocker switch again to make the brush strip
The combination nozzle can be used on either carpets or hard oors.
1 Tocleanhardoors,pushtherockerswitchontopofthenozzlewithyourfoot(Fig.13).
, Thebrushstripforcleaninghardoorscomesoutofthenozzlehousing.
2 Tocleancarpets,pushtherockerswitchagain(Fig.14).
, The brush strip disappears into the nozzle housing.
- The hard-oor nozzle is designed for gentle cleaning of hard oors (Fig. 15).