Using the remote control to control your equipment
You can also tap the mode label covering the icon to open the Mode menu.
If the Mode button isn’t visible, the Mode menu has been hidden to
protect against accidental changes to the remote control commands. When the
Mode menu is hidden, the remote control is always in Use mode. (For
information about showing and hiding the Mode menu, see “To show or hide
the Mode menu” on page 29.)
To switch devices without affecting the source
If your components are connected to a preamplifier or other device, such as a
receiver, the remote control may be programmed to automatically switch the
input source when you choose a device from Home or the Device menu.
However, sometimes you may want to operate a device without affecting the
input source. For example, you may want to rewind your VCR while watching
TV. You don’t want to interrupt your TV viewing when you switch the remote
control to the VCR control panels.
To switch devices without switching the source:
1 Open the Device menu.
Tap the Mode button
to open the Mode
menu ...
... in the Mode menu,
tap Use.