14 EN
On the numeric/symbol keyboard, tap ~\{ to switch
between numbers/symbols and more symbol choices.
Get more choices for letters and
Tap and hold a letter or symbol button
until the pop-up screen is displayed.
The extra choices on one key are available on the
keyboards of some languages.
Edit text
You can cut, copy, and paste the text that you
have entered.
Select the text
1 Tap and hold the text until the pop-screen
is displayed.
» Current word is selected, with marks
for start and end positions.
Tap Select all to select all the text.
2 Drag the marks to select or change the
start/ end positions.
Copy or cut the selected text
Tap Copy or Cut.
» The selected text is copied or cut.
Paste the selected text
1 Put the cursor in a position.
2 Tap and hold the position until the pop-
screen is displayed.
» In the pop-up screen, the option Paste
is displayed.
» Tap Paste.The text is pasted in the
selected position.