
Battery charger
200 minutes
Specifications Product highlights
•Batteries included
Battery capacity: 2300 mAh
Power supply: 220-240V
Technical specifications
Housing material: ABS
Green Specifications
Heavy metals: Cd free, Hg free, Pb free
Packaging material: PET
Packaging type: Clam shell blister
Blister dimensions (WxDxH): 17 x 25 x 6 cm
Inner carton dimensions WxDxH: 17.7 x 27.2 x
19 cm
Master carton quantity: 4
Product dimensions (WxDxH): 12 x 7.5 x 2.35 cm
Product weight: 0.096 kg
Issue date 2009-01-20
Version: 2.0.4
12 NC: 8670 000 28914
EAN: 87 12581 32915 0
© 2009 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
12V car plug
The charger has a special adapter that fits into the
cigarette lighter socket of your car. This means that next
to charging from the mains you can also do it when you
are on the move.
Exclusive compact design
The exclusive stylish and compact design makes it easier
for you to travel with the charger and even more fun to
Charge AA and AAA
The charger is designed to charge AA and AAA batteries.
Smart charge protection
The special sensor detects when the batteries are fully
charged and switches over to trickle charge to keep your
batteries full and ready for use. The overcharge
protection prolongs the life of your batteries by preventing
the damage caused by overcharging.
Trickle charge
Rechargeable batteries all suffer from self-discharge over
time. The automatically started trickle charge keeps your
batteries full and ready for use when they are kept inside
the charger and in the power outlet.
2300 mAh MultiLife AA included
The 2300 mAh of energy keeps your audio player or
digital camera going longer.