Learning, cont.
You can learn commands from an existing
remote and store them under the “Main”
keys on the SRU8010 remote, or learn
commands from an existing remote and
store them under any of the 10 Side Keys.
At the Home screen press the Side Key
next to Learn.
At this screen you press any of the 5
Side Keys K1-K5 on the left to learn
commands under a Side Key, or press
any of the top 4 Side Keys K6-K9 on the
right to learn commands under the main
keys on the remote.
If you press a right Side Key (to select Main Keys) you are
going to learn, say, the Chan Up key from an existing remote
and store it under the Chan Up key on the SRU8010 remote.
Or learn the Power key from an existing remote and store it
under the Power key on the SRU8010 remote, etc.
If you press a left Side Key (to select Side Keys) you are
going to learn, say, the “DVD Zoom” function from an
existing remote and store it under a Side Key on the SRU8010
remote. You will then be able to name the key “DVD Zoom”
and access this “DVD Zoom” function from the Mode screen
when the remote is in the mode that you selected when you
learned this “DVD Zoom” command.
2. Adjust the distance between the two remotes to be closer
(e.g. half an inch) or a further away (e.g. 2 inches) from
each other.
3. Try learning the original remote keys again.
4. If problems reoccur with the same key, check the original
remote key being learned – does it transmit? Does it
operate the target device?