Philips indoor luminaires 3.115
Suspended and surface-mounted luminaires
Suspended and surface-mounted luminaires
SuperOmni TCH/FCH481 sports
Preferred selection
Product ID Weight
European Order
Code (EOC)
FCH481 4xPL-L55W HFP M2-A 9.00 147734 00
FCH481 4xPL-L80W HFP M2-A 9.00 147758 00
FCH481 4xPL-L55W/840 HFP M2 9.00 008400 00
FCH481 4xPL-L80W/840 HFP M2 9.00 008424 00
FCH481 4xPL-L55W HFP M2 9.00 146034 00
FCH481 4xPL-L80W HFP M2 9.00 146171 00
Please contact your local Philips representative for additional congurations
Product ID Description EOC
ZCH481 2/4 MB-A30 (2PCS) 008509 00
ZCH481 3 MB-A30 (2PCS) 008516 00
ZCH481 2/4 MB (2PCS) 008493 00
ZCH481 3 MB (2PCS) 145884 00
ZCH481 2/4 RA SET9 008523 00
ZCH481 3 RA SET9 008530 00
Simple mounting bracket (ZCH481
Rail mounting kit (ZCH481 RA)
Angled, 30°, mounting bracket
(ZCH481 MB-A30)
Angled, 30º, mounting bracket used in
conjunction with rail mounting
Integral wire guard
Indoor_2008_Chapter_03_LIS.indb 115 20-05-2008 14:52:29