-- I_Thether you're watching a
V V movie or a video game, your
TV has automatic video control set-
tings matched for your current pro-
_ram source or content. The
;martPicture feature quickly resets
_our TV's video controls for a num-
ber of different types of programs
and viewing conditions you may
have in your home. Each
SmartPicture setting is preset at the
factory to automatically adjust the
TV's Brightness, Color, Picture,
Sharpness, Tint, and Color
Temperature levels.
_.,_ Press the SMART PICTURE
button on the remote control. The
current SmartPicture setting will
appear in the middle of lhe screen.
<_ Press the SmartPicture button
repeatedly to select either PER-
WEAK SIGNAL picture settings.
Note: The PERSONAL setting is
the setting that you setup using the
PICTURE options within the
onscreen menu. This is the only
SmartPicture control setting that
can be changed. All other settings
are setup at the factory during the
time of production. If settings are
changed while using the Movie,
Sports, or Weak Signal selections,
the changes you make will become
the "new" Personal settings. The
Movie, Sports, and Weak Signal
settings cannot be changed.
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