A3−02 Can I use the Pronto with Sony *G (or VisionTouch) receivers?
A3−03 Can the Pronto work with RF equipment?
A3−04 Can the Pronto work with IRDA equipment (ie. Pace cable boxes)?
A3−05 How can I control my X−10 system?
Using The Remote
A4−01 Why does the backlight stay on as long as the LCD does, even though it's only set for half
the time?
A4−02 I've got a TSU2000. Why does my TV keep turning off?
A4−03 Why is the REVERT button grayed out?
A4−04 I hear there's a hidden game on the remote?
A4−05 In the Macro Menu, why does the left hard button read "OPEN"? Can I change this?
A4−06 Why doesn't the backlight come on when I set the arrow all the way to the left, as described
in the manual?
A4−07 Why do my Device and Macro Menu buttons not work?
A4−08 What happened to my Mode button?
A4−09 What happened to the Macro Menu's REC command?
Batteries & Docking Station
A5−01 Should I buy the docking station for my remote?
A5−02 Why does the remote appear to behave erratically when battery power is still 50%?
A5−03 How often should I recharge the remote?
A5−04 Why does my rechargeable battery read only half full even when I know it's full?
A5−05 Why is my desktop charger's light blinking?
A5−06 I already have a docking station, can I buy another rechargeable battery?
A5−07 My ProntoPro's docking station is dead. Help!
Diagnosis and Repair
A6−01 My remote is dead! What can I try to fix it?
A6−02 My remote is rebooting all the time... help!
A6−03 What can I do if the remote will not power up and I hear 4 beeps?
A6−04 How do I connect to the remote with Hyperterminal?
A6−05 What can I do if my buttons stop working?
A6−06 I've broken the LCD screen and it's out of warranty. Can I replace it?
A6−07 Why does the screen's contrast keep changing?
A6−08 Can I buy spare parts for the Pronto?
A6−09 What's that buzzing sound I can hear?
A6−10 What else can I do to troubleshoot random problems?
General Description
B1−01 Briefly, what does the software allow me to do?
B1−02 Is there editing software available other than ProntoEdit?
B1−03 Where can I download the software?
B1−04 Can I take screen captures of my file?
B1−05 How can I change the program that opens CCF files?
B1−06 I'm getting an "Invalid Configuration File Version", "File is not a valid configuration" or
"CCF file is invalid or corrupt" message. What can I do?
B1−07 Can I use Pronto NG .PCF files? How about .ICF and .NCF files?
Software & Firmware
B2−01 What are the current software versions?
B2−02 What are the current firmware versions?
RC: Philips Pronto & Marantz RC5000 Unofficial FAQ 2