
Chapter 13
13-56 Respironics V200 Ventilator Operator’s Manual REF 1057983 A
Options and Accessories
Static C and R
The Static C and R screen (Figure 13-31) allows you to perform a static
compliance and resistance maneuver and displays the maneuver results. The
maneuvers are carried out on machine or operator initiated breaths. If the
patient triggers a breath when a maneuver is scheduled, the ventilator does not
perform the maneuver. Although the maneuver does not require patient effort,
patient interference can affect the accuracy of maneuver results. The Static C
and R maneuver is available in VCV only. It is not available in PCV and NPPV.
NOTE: Depending on the High Pressure limit setting, if the pre-maneuver flow
pattern is ramp, delivering a square waveform during the Static C and R
maneuver can trigger a High Inspiratory Pressure alarm and cancel the
maneuver. Should this happen, adjust alarm settings as needed.
How to perform Static C and R maneuver
1. Enter the Static C and R screen: touch the Mechanics icon button,
then Static C and R.
2. Touch the Start button. If you do nothing, the maneuver automatically
ends at the next mandatory inspiration.
Once touched, the Start button changes to Stop. The Stop button
allows you to cancel the maneuver at any time. A high-priority alarm
automatically cancels the maneuver.
Information type Description
Start MIP Press & Hold
Starts the MIP maneuver. Changes to Continue when the maneuver is
complete or when finger is lifted from the button. Changes to Start
when Continue is touched.
Start P0.1 button Starts the P0.1 maneuver. Changes to Stop when the maneuver is
started. Changes to Continue when the maneuver is complete or when
the Stop button is touched. Changes to Start when Continue is
MIP window Displays the most recently accepted maneuver results. The date and
time of the maneuver appears below each window.
P0.1 window Displays the most recently accepted maneuver results. The date and
time of the maneuver appears below each window.
Scale (button at left of
graphic display)
Allows you to adjust graphic scales manually. The default scale for the
MIP/P0.1 screen is –100 cmH
O to the High Pressure limit. Default
scales are in effect every time you enter the MIP/P0.1 screen, and the
graph reverts to default scales when the maneuver is complete.
Rescale button Allows software to adjust the vertical scales for waveforms and vertical
and horizontal scales for loops. The graph cannot be rescaled during
the MIP maneuver.
Table 13-6: Summary of MIP/P0.1 Screen Information