
redialing a call 27
speed dialing 24
Dialing Directory
adding a LAN extension 74
choosing an entryƕs call rate 71
creating an entry 68
description of 67
making a call from 24
modifying an entry 73
naming a new site 70
removing an entry 75
using speed-dial numbers 24
Dialing Directory screen 24
director mode
description of 64
disabling browsing 65
displaying the Browse menu 65
enabling browsing 65
requesting directorship 65
selecting a broadcaster 65
selecting broadcaster view 65
using 64
director mode menu tree 94
directory dialing 24
displaying status messages 77
DOC button
on QuickPad 16
on wireless keypad 13
documents, tips for using 10
Encrypt Next Call. See encryption
automatic 38
decryption key 38, 39
description of 37
manual 39
of dialed calls 37
using 37
encryption key. See decryption key
video call 42
voice-only call 35
ENTER button
on QuickPad 15
on wireless keypad 12
error message
data rate too high 82
data rate too low 82
loss of far-end video 82
network not ready 82
no channel connection 82
no video input 82
noting for service provider 81
failure message, during power-on tests 84
FAR END button, on QuickPad 16
frequently called numbers, worksheet listing
HANG UP button 42
on QuickPad 15
on wireless keypad 12
hanging up
video call 42
voice-only call 35
getting 2
worksheet listing numbers to call 98