
Polycom, Inc. 9
Conference Scheduling Overview
This chapter describes the scheduling and conference views, navigation, and
commands of the Polycom CMA system. It includes these topics:
Conference Menu and Views
Conference Views—Future and Ongoing
Conference States
Context-Sensitive Conference Commands
User Menu and Guest Book
Context-Sensitive Guest Book Commands
Add a Guest to the System Guest Book
Edit a Guest in the System Guest Book
Delete a Guest from the System Guest Book
Conference Menu and Views
The Polycom CMA system Conference menu provides these views of the
Conference list:
•Future—Displays the list of future conferences in the main window.
Use this view to view and edit future conferences.
Ongoing—Displays the list of active conferences in the main window.
Use this view to manage ongoing conferences.
Note that with Scheduler Permissions, you only see and manage the
conferences you created.