
WARNING: When using electric
gardening appliances, basic safety pre-
cautions must always be followed to re-
duce the risk of fire, electric shock, and
serious injury. Read and follow all
WARNING: Always di sconnect
power source when maki ng repairs, a d-
justments, and when changi n g accesso-
ries and att a chm e nts such as saw bar,
chain or guar d s.
Because a chain saw is a high-speed
woodcutti ng tool, special precauti ons
must be obser ved t o r educe r isk of acci-
dents. C arel ess or impr oper use of thi s
tool ca n cause seri ous inj ur y.
S Restr ict the use o f your sa w to adul t us-
ers who underst and and can fol l ow the
saf ety ru les, precau ti ons, and ope rat ing
instr uct i ons found i n t hi s manual.
S Dress properly. Wear protective gear.
with non-slip soles; snug-fitting cloth-
ing; heavy-duty, non-slip gloves; eye
protection such as non-fogging,
vented goggles orfacescreen; anap-
proved safety hard hat; and sound
barriers (ear plugs or mufflers) to pro-
tect your hearing. Regular users
shouldhave hearingch ecked regular-
ly as chain saw noise can damage
S Secure hair above shoulder length. D o
not wear loose clothing or jewelry; they
can get caught in moving par t s.
Safety Ch aps
Heavy Duty
Safety Hat
S Keep all parts of y our body away from
the chain when saw i s r unni ng.
S Keep chil d r en away. D o not let visi tors
cont actchain saw orexten sion cor d .All
visitors should be kept at least 30 fee t
(10 met er s) away from work ar ea.
S Do no t handle or operate a chain saw
whenyouarefatigue d, ill,up set,orifyou
have taken alcohol, drugs, or medi ca-
tion. You must be i n good physical con-
diti onand mental l yalert .Ifyou haveany
condition that might b e aggravated by
strenuous work, c heck w i t h doctor be-
fore operati ng. W atch what you are do-
ing. Use common sense.
S Donotstar tcuttinguntilyouhave aclear
workarea,securefooting,and especial-
ly if you ar e fellin g a tree,a retre at pa th.
Keep work area cl ean.
S Do not operat e with one hand. Seri ous
injury to the operator, he lper s, or by-
standers m ay r esult from one-hand ed
operati on. A c hain saw i s i nt ended for
two-handed use.
S Do notoperate sawfroma ladderorina
S Make sure the chain wil l not make co n-
tact wit h any object while star ti ng the
saw. Ne ver s t a r t the saw when the
guid e bar is in a cut.
S Do not for ce chain saw.It will do the job
better and safe r at the rate for whi ch it
was intended.
S Do no t put pressure on the saw , espe-
ciallyat t heend ofthe cut.Doi ng socan
causeyoutolosecont rolwhenthecutis
S Stop the saw bef ore setting i t down.
S Hand car r y saw only when motor i s
stopped. Carry t he chain saw by the
fronthandlewit hthesawstopped,f inger
of f the swit ch, the guide bar and saw
chain to t he r ear.
S Use the ri g ht tool, cut woo d onl y. Don’t
use c hainsaw f orpurposenotintended;
for example ,do n’t usechain saw f orcut-
tingplasti c,maso nr y,non-woodbuilding
materi als.
S Do notoperate achain saw t hat is d am-
aged, improperl y adjusted, or not com-
pletel y and s ecurel y assembled. Al-
ways replace bar,chain, h and guard,or
othe r par ts imme diat e ly i f they become
damaged, broken, or are otherwise re-
S Inspect c ha in saw cords per iodi ca lly
and if damaged, have repair ed by a n
authori zed servi ce dealer.
S Have all chain saw servi ce pe rformed
by an au t h o rized servi ce dealer except
the i tems listed in t he
section of this manual.
S Make certain saw chain stops moving
when tr i g g er switch is r e leased.