with a vacuum or compressed air. The outer filters could require more frequent cleaning or
replacement in exceptionally dusty environments to maintain maximum filtering efficiency.
POWERMATIC does offer replacement filter elements for the Powermatic PM1200 Air
Filtration System. We have specialized filter elements available including a washable (outer)
intake filter #1791085. We also have a charcoal diffusion filter element (#1791084) that aides in
removing non-flammable vapor contaminants and odors.
Filter Guards
Special attention was given to the inlet and outlet filter guards. The
Powermatic PM1200 Air Filtration System filter guards are not only
stylish but functional and do more than simply protect the filter
elements from damage.
Both the inlet and outlet filter guards are easily removed and
installed without tools. This eliminates trying to extract screws or
operate complicated latches while on a ladder. The Powermatic
PM1200 Air Filtration System grilles are secured with simple,
finger-operated catches so they come off easily but stay in place
during use.
The inlet filter guard is designed to help straighten the air as it
enters the filter elements behind it. The exit filter guard works with
the diffusion element to disperse the air as it leaves the Powermatic PM1200 Air Filtration
System to limit disturbing nearby standing dust that could be dislodged and added to the
suspended contamination.
Removing or installing the filter
guards is also tool-free to make
this service easier to do on a
Woodworking shops have changing levels of dust
contamination so we added a full set of controls to the
Powermatic PM1200 Air Filtration System. And, all of
those controls are available on the Powermatic PM1200
Air Filtration System itself or the included remote control.
The remote control has a LCD screen that provides
graphical representations of the various functions and
The Powermatic PM1200 Air Filtration System has three
speed ranges – Low (547 CFM), Medium (706 CFM) and
High 1196 (CFM). This range of operating speeds lets you
set the Powermatic PM1200 Air Filtration System for the current conditions allowing you to save
energy whenever possible.
The on-board panel and radio frequency
remote control make using the PM1200 AFS
easy from anywhere in the shop – or out of it!