Guide Specifications
1. Standard construction is 14 ga. galvanized steel housing and doors leak tight to +/- 3.0 in. w.g.
2. Maximum operating temperature for standard C-3 and C-4 Housings is 250°F. High temperature C-3 and C-4 Housings
are available for 400°F continuous and 500 °F intermittent duty.
1.0 HEPA/ULPA Filter Housings
1.1 Side access HEPA filter housings shall be C-3 and
C-4 as manufactured by Flanders.
1.2 Units shall be factory-assembled housings with
flanges for duct connections on the air entering
and air leaving sides.
1.3 Housings shall be suitable for operation at +/- 3.0
in. w.g. internal pressure.
2.0 Construction
2.1 Housings shall be made of galvanized or stainless
steel with 11 ga. corner posts. Joints shall be inter-
mittently welded and sealed with silicone.
2.2 Tracks for prefilters shall be fabricated from the
same material as the housing.
2.3 The filter locking mechanism for the gel seal
model shall be a 300 Series stainless steel
hand-operated arm that moves the filter so its gel-
filled channel mates with the internal housing knife
edge sealing flange. The same mechanism shall
also pull the filter away from the sealing flange
when changing filters.
2.4 The filter locking mechanism for the gasket seal
model housing shall be a 300 Series stainless
steel and brass device. The mechanism shall
press the gasketed filter against the housing’s
sealing surface by means of a mechanical bolt and
thrust assembly that is manually operated using a
standard 3/4 inch socket or wrench.
3.0 Features
3.1 Model numbers and capacities shall be as speci-
fied and/or shown on the drawings.
3.2 Provide options as specified.
Construction Details
Flanders Filters, Inc.
531 Flanders Filter Road
Washington, NC 27889
Phone: (252) 946-8081
Toll Free: (800) 637-2803
Fax: (252) 946-3425
Website: www.flanderscorp.com