16 Basic Operation Instructions
Remote Plus Controller www.pridemobility.com
Fault Probable Cause(s) Possible Solution
1 Flash The batteries need charging. Check the battery connections. If the
There is a bad connection battery connections are good, then
to the batteries. try charging the batteries.
2 Flashes There is a bad connection on Check the left motor connections and
the left motor. wiring harnesses.
3 Flashes The left motor has a short to Contact your authorized Pride
a battery connection. Provider.
4 Flashes There is a bad connection on Check the right motor connections
the right motor. and wiring harnesses.
5 Flashes The right motor has a short to Contact your authorized Pride
a battery connection. Provider.
6 Flashes The charge inhibit has been Make sure that the battery charger
activated. is not connected to the power base.
7 Flashes There is a joystick fault. Make sure the joystick is in the center
position; power the unit off and then
on again.
8 Flashes There is a control system fault. Check power module and joystick
module connections and wiring.
9 Flashes The park brakes have a bad Check the left and right motor
connection. connections and wiring.
10 Flashes An excessive voltage has Check the battery connections.
been applied to the control
The battery condition meter will flash fault codes when the controller system detects
an abnormal condition in the electrical system. All of the battery condition meter
LEDs will flash a number of times quickly, then pause, then flash again. The battery
condition meter will continue to flash the fault codes until the problem is fixed. The
following table identifies the individual fault codes. If you receive any of these fault
codes or if you experience any other problems, contact your authorized Pride Provider.