34 www.pridemobility.com Jazzy 1105/RevH/Feb03
How should I store my Jazzy 1105 and its batteries?
If you do not use your Jazzy 1105 regularly, we recommend maintaining battery vitality by charging the
batteries at least once a week.
If you do not plan on using your Jazzy 1105 for an extended period, fully charge the batteries prior to
storage. Disconnect the battery harnesses and store the Jazzy in a warm, dry environment. Avoid tempera-
ture extremes, such as freezing and excessively hot conditions, and never attempt to charge a frozen bat-
tery. A cold or frozen battery should be warmed for several days prior to recharging.
If you are storing a Jazzy 1105 for an extended period of time, you may wish to block the unit up with
several boards under the frame. This keeps the tires off the ground and prevents the possibility of flat spots
What about public transportation?
If you intend to use public transportation while using your Jazzy, you must contact in advance the transpor-
tation provider to determine their specific requirements. See II. Safety for more details.
Sealed lead-acid and gel cell batteries are designed for application in power chairs and in other mobility
vehicles. Generally, sealed lead-acid batteries are safe for all forms of transportation such as aircraft, buses,
and trains. We suggest that you contact your transportation provider to determine specific requirements of
transportation and packaging.
What about shipping?
If you wish to use a freight company to ship your Jazzy 1105 to your final destination, repack your Jazzy
1105 in the original shipping container and ship the batteries in separate boxes.