Page 28 Home Bakery
2001 ABM10 rev.0
A non-yeast bread perfect for the ULTRA FAST programmes but you can use the CAKE
programme too if you wish.
Add the following to the bread pan:
350g white plain flour
350g plain wholemeal flour
2 tsp Bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp Salt
450ml buttermilk
Set machine to ULTRA FAST 2 programme. For a smaller loaf use half quantities listed
and set the machine to ULTRA FAST 1
For the purposes of these recipes you can consider whole meal and whole wheat flour to
be the same thing. It is of paramount importance to select the flour you use wisely. People
often buy plain brown or plain wholemeal flour in the belief that it will suffice for bread
making – sadly it won’t. Whichever brand you buy it must have the words ‘strong’ or ‘for
bread making’ on the packet.
2lb (use half these measures for 1lb loaf – set
machine to 1.5lb)
Water 320ml
Strong whole meal flour 400g
Strong white flour 160g
Salt 2 tsp
Dried Milk (optional) 2 tbsp
Butter/Oil 3 tbsp
Sugar (brown is best) 3 tbsp
Dried sachet yeast 2 1/2tsp
Water 260ml
Strong whole meal flour 340g
Strong white flour 120g
Salt 2 tsp
Dried Milk (optional) 2 tbsp
Butter/Oil 2 tbsp
Sugar (brown is best) 2 tbsp
Dried sachet yeast 2 1/2tsp
Use the WHOLE WHEAT programme (3) for best results. You can substitute the white
flour for whole meal to make a 100% whole meal loaf but increase the water by 2 tbsp for
2lb loaf or 1 tbsp for the 1.5lb recipe. With certain types of flour you may find that the
BREAD MIX (11) or FRENCH (2) works well.