
TX-208 537-511revB
Printed in USA 0324 © 20035
Release the upper and lower locking latches from the conveyor
Upper Latch
Remove the conveyor belt.
Rotate the belt while removing
it from the side of the unit.
Lower Latch
Reassemble the unit by
reversing steps 1 - 8.
When reassembling convey-
or belt, make sure plastic
spline is positioned correctly
as shown.
When reassembling release
sheet, be sure to install upper
and lower retaining bars in
the correct end.
Release Sheet
Upper Retaining Bar
Release Sheet
Lower Retaining Bar
Remove the plastic spline from the belt.
Place the release sheet on a flat surface. Clean the release sheet with
a mild dishwashing detergent (CAPITAL used to clean trays works
well). Sanitize the surface by wiping it
with a cloth damp with tray sanitizing
liquid (Kay-5 Sanitizer).
The Teflon sheet uses both sides as the contact surface. When re-
installing, rotate the usage by turning top-to-bottom and/or turning the
sheet inside/out.
Residue on the belt is easy
to remove if it is still oily. If
the residue has formed a
slick coating, additional
scrubbing effort is required
to remove it.
The conveyor belt has only one contact surface and must be
re-installed with orange side facing out.
Place the belt (orange surface up) on a flat surface. Clean the
belt orange surface with a mild dishwashing detergent (CAPITAL
used to clean trays works well. Mix 1 part CAPITAL to 9 parts
water). Spray detergent onto orange portion of belt, then wait
1 minute for residue to dissolve. Spray detergent onto a
no-scratch pad and wipe the belt to remove residue. When the
belt is clean, the surface will have a tacky grip when you rub a
finger over the surface. Sanitize the surface by wiping it with a
cloth damp with tray sanitizing liquid (Kay-5 Sanitizer).