Chapter 6 Advanced Topics 79
Window Size. Integrate signals (SHUTTER {Shutter Open}) or Readout signals (NOT
SCAN {Not Reading Out}) are provided at the LOGIC OUT connector for timing
Example: Referring to the readout shown in Figure 38, there are 6 pixels perpendicular to
the shift register and the Window Size is 2 pixels high. The number of frames is 3. If the
Vertical Shift rate for the CCD is 1600 ns/row, the Shift time will be 3200 ns per frame.
Figure 43. Free Run Timing Diagram
Triggered Modes
In single trigger mode, the camera requires only one trigger to initiate an entire series of
“exposure-shift” cycles as shown in the timing diagram below. When Acquire or Focus
{Run} is clicked, the shutter is opened and the camera uses the exposure time as entered
in the software. The trigger is applied at the Ext Sync connector on the rear of the
PIXIS. After the series is complete the shutter closes and the CCD is read out at normal
speeds. Once the readout is complete the camera is ready for the next series of exposures.
This timing is shown in Figure 44, where a single External trigger pulse is used to collect
a burst of 6 frames.
Figure 44. Single Trigger Timing Diagram