
There are 15 independent Channels designated 1 through 15.
This means that there are 15 different sequences of frequency
hops. Each Channel is at a different frequency at a different
time. To minimize interference, set each Ethernet Adapter
acting as a Master within the same area to a different Domain
and Channel. In networks with multiple Access Points, set each
Access Point to a different Channel but the same Domain to
facilitate roaming.
The Ethernet Adapter’s Channel may be set to a value between 0
and 15, and 0 is the default setting. When set to Channel 0, an
Ethernet Adapter automatically selects a Channel upon boot-up
based on the configured Domain number. The Channel selected
is the Domain number plus 1. Therefore, if the Domain is set to
0, the Channel is 1. Note that the automatic selection procedure
will choose Channel 15 when set to either Domain 14 or 15.
This parameter is visible only when the Ethernet Adapter is set
as a Master. All Stations will determine their channel by the
Master to which they are synchronized.
The Subchannel is a software code that is appended to each
radio packet. It does not affect the frequency hopping sequence
like a Channel does. Use a Subchannel if you need more than 15
Masters in the same area and, therefore, all the Channels are
used. The Subchannels are designated 1 through 15, and 1 is the
default setting. This parameter is visible only when the Ethernet
Adapter is set as a Master.
For example, you can use Channel 1, Subchannel 1 for Network
A and Channel 1, Subchannel 2 for Network B. The two net-
works will not communicate with one another. They are, how-
ever, still sharing the 1.6 Mbps data rate since they are both
using Channel 1.