Thermal Loss Table
This table provides typical thermal loss in BTU/
hr. and kcal/hr. for each model as a function of
load and output power level.
• 1/8 power (pink noise) represents typical pro-
gram with occasional clipping. Use this rating
for most applications.
• 1/3 power (pink noise) represents severe pro-
gram with heavy clipping.
• Full power (sine) are continuous sine wave
driven at 1% clipping.
Thermal or overcurrent cutback limits duration
of full power 2 Ohm operation.
Current Draw Table (in Amperes)
This table provides typical current draw for each model as a
function of load and output power level. Units of measurement
are Amperes r.m.s.
NOTE! Current draw shown is for 120 VAC line. For 230
VAC models, multiply values shown by 0.5 .
• 1/8 power (pink noise) represents typical program with occa-
sional clipping. Use this rating for most applications.
• 1/3 power (pink noise) represents severe program with heavy
• Full power (sine) is continuous sine wave driven at 1% clipping.
• Thermal or overcurrent cutback limits duration of full power 2
Ohm operation.