Auto Tuning System (ATS)
— the re-
ceiver finds the stations with strong
signals and stores them in memory in
order by signal strength.
Rotary Tuning Dial
— lets you manu-
ally tune desired frequencies. You can
select a higher tuning increment for
faster tuning or a lower one for fine tun-
ing, or lock the dial to prevent acciden-
tally changing the tuned frequency.
Memory Lock
— prevents accidental
frequency changes.
Control Lock
— prevents accidental
setting changes.
Sleep Timer
— lets you set the receiv-
er so it turns itself off after a length of
time you set, so you can fall asleep as
you listen to it.
MW Step Setting
— lets you easily
change the frequency step setting to
match the MW (AM) broadcast fre-
quency step used by many other coun-
RF Gain Control
— lets you adjust the
receiver’s sensitivity when you listen to
SW/LW/MW broadcasts, to provide
the best possible reception.
Narrow/Wide Control
— lets you re-
duce interference from adjacent sta-
tions when you listen to SW, MW (AM),
and LW broadcasts.
Page Memory Location
— lets you
store and select frequencies in storage
locations called
. You can store
and select up to nine MW/FM frequen-
cies in two pages, nine LW frequencies
in one page, and 261 SW frequencies
in 29 pages.
— lets you create and edit station
names for FM/MW/LW bands, page
names for SW bands, and home/world
city names for easy identification.
Tone Control
— lets you adjust the
tone setting for different types of
broadcasts such as news, music, and
so on.
Battery Power/Signal Strength Indi-
— displays the battery’s power
and the strength of the received signal.
Memo Label
— lets you record helpful
information such as the memory loca-
tion numbers of your favorite stations.
Three Power Options
— let you pow-
er the receiver from internal batteries,
standard AC power (with an optional
AC adapter), or your vehicle’s battery
(with an optional DC cigarette lighter