U npacking and assem bling the scale
U npack the scale.G entlyplace the weighing platform to the body of the
scale via the location points. M ake sure that the sloped side of the
platform faces the front (keyboard) of the scale. Do not press too hard or
use force in placing the platform.
Using the scale with a battery
Remove the battery com partm ent cover underneath the scale. Insert six
AA size batteries in the correct orientation as indicated in the scale.
R eplace the battery com partm ent cover.
Using the scale with the pow er adapter
C onnect the supplied power adapter to the input socket found at the rear
of the scale and plug it into the pow er supply. It is advisable to rem ove
the batteries before using the power adapter.
Scale startup
Press the key. will appear briefly in the LC D
window as the scale performs a self-check/zeroing routine, after which
will appear in the LCD window . Wait 60 seconds for the scale
to warm up. Your scale is now ready to weigh.
Using the TARE key
You can tare (set to zero) any article used as a container for sm all item s
in the following way.
If the scale is sw itched off, press the
key and wait for
to display. P lace the container onto the platform, and
then press the
key. The display will show .
Place the item to be weighed into the container, on the platform. The
scale w ill now show the weight of the item , excluding the w eight of the
Be sure that the scale is operated on a flat surface
In order to operate correctly, the scale m ust be installed on a firm, flat
surface. It is advisable to turn the scale on one to two minutes prior to its
E rro r M essages
The weight capacity of the scale has been exceeded.
W hen the input voltage is less than 7V, LO appears in
the upper left LCD at the scale’s start up.
Limited W a rran ty
This USPS scale is w arranted to be free of defects in parts and
workm anship for a period of one year from the time of purchase by the
original ow ner. If this product is found to be defective, Motion M arketing
will repair or replace defective parts at no charge, subject to the follow ing
)Owner must request a return authorization from M otion
Marketing - please fill up the w eb form located at
www.motionm arketinginc.com
2.) O wner must include verification of the date of purchase when
requesting Limited W arranty S ervice. (Dated Sales R eceipt
R equired)
www.motionm arketinginc.com
em ail:service@ m otionm arketinginc.com
Phone Num ber: 913-631-4402