
HR20 24
The ‘-’ side of the new capacitor is connected to the circuit trace leading to the
volume control. Mount this capacitor as close to the body of the new LM386
as possible. Keep all leads as short as possible. This modification results in
very good speaker volume but will also require closer attention to battery
quality and condition or else the audio circuits will cause oscillator instability.
Two alkaline cells in parallel or a 12 volt supply are recommended. If the gain
is too much, use a resistor to reduce the voltage supplied to pin 6 of preamp
Finally, we remind you again that modification of any PC board puts you on
your own, voiding your factory warranty, making your unit ineligible for factory
repair. Make sure the receiver is working properly and that you understand
how to use and repair it BEFORE making any changes in the original design.
Enjoy it!